Having worked with many global corporate businesses, helping them to secure their data, we understand your need to protect your company’s valuable, competitive edge. You will require security to be flexible so as to encourage and not destroy the collaborative working needed in the development or manufacturing process.
And, you will require solutions to secure data both at rest or in transit that are flexible, transparent to applications and able to accommodate complex situations.

Commercial Cybersecurity
Working in a commercial business, especially where intellectual property issues are of concern provides you with a unique set of issues such as compliance, you need to collaborate with many other parties, internal security, end of life reporting or safe harbour against bad publicity. Deploying robust and secure systems to protect your data is a vital necessity and Digital Pathways are able to assist you to create and strengthen your processes.
Devices or attackers impersonating a trusted device or user could use that position to conduct a range of illicit activities, such as a man-in-the-middle attack, connecting into corporate networks, and more. Advanced persistent threats can take control of device software to steal customer information or intellectual property on the fly or even dupe people and processes into giving out more information than normal.
Insufficient security over code updates within machines or systems can allow hackers an entry point to the device in order to launch attacks or steal data from the machine itself. Without adequate security measures at the plant, the unauthorised code can also be introduced during the production process itself.
Unsecured manufacturing processes can lead to the production of unauthorised units that can be sold on the black market, either with authentic branding or white labelled. This exposes the organisation to significant financial and reputational damage.
Our Commercial Cybersecurity Solution
At Digital Pathways we have a range of solutions that can provide you with controls to data without breaking any of your business processes or introducing complex technical procedures that may hamper your business activity.
To remain compliant with GDPR you must encrypt your data. Encryption is the most effective way to improve data security and is the one technology stated within the GDPR regulation.
Also, be aware of the latest threats which are coming from fileless attacks which are undetectable by traditional Anti Virus systems. To remain safe Advanced Threat Detection platforms look at the behaviour rather than knowing the attack profile, which means the attack is stopped before it begins!
If you are looking for a solution provider to give you sound advice call us to see how we may help.
Digital Pathways Ltd are a Cyber Essentials Certified Business
New House Studio
Wood Mead
CM16 6TD