Regulatory compliance varies not only by business or public sector but often by country or region. For example, financial, medical and pharmaceutical regulatory bodies in one continent may be similar, but with particularly different nuances in another country.
These similarities and differences are often due to the adoption of regulations in different timelines of maturity, reactions to local issues or government directives, often forcing companies to comply after poor handling of data security – ‘closing the door after the horse has bolted’ syndrome.
When a regulation comes into force, there is often a period of ‘moving towards compliance’ well before the enforcement date. In our experience, many organisations fail to think in advance of such regulations, especially with issues around data privacy and find themselves trying to meet standards at the deadline, rather than in a planned and controlled way.
At Digital Pathways, we are experts in the field of data privacy management. Our knowledge of IT security, the various technologies in securing data and how to meet the regulatory compliance challenges, ensure that we can quickly enable a compliance strategy to meet the needs of any size business, in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner.

Main Areas of Compliance
The two main areas of compliance are the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security standard). These regulations focus on the protection of information in the digital age.
To help you see what these may mean for your business, we have provided an overview of GDPR, its fundamental principles, recommendations and assistance in how to comply, together with our Ten Steps to Cyber Security.
And, we have also provided, for any company that processes or stores credit cards or holds correspondence, which might include credit card information, some guidelines for PCI; why you should adopt the PCI standard and the possible outcome, should you choose not to adopt them.
If you would like to find out more on these subjects or, on how Digital Pathways may be able to help you, contact us on 0844 586 0040
Digital Pathways Ltd are a Cyber Essentials Certified Business
New House Studio
Wood Mead
CM16 6TD