CyBot is the next-generation in vulnerability management as well as the world’s first CREST certified automated pen testing system, that continuously monitors validated, global, multi-vector, Attack Path Scenarios™ (APS), so IT security individuals can focus their time and resources on the vulnerabilities that threaten your critical assets and business processes. CyBot has one core engine: CyBot Pro, and two additional management consoles, for Enterprises and for MSSP’s.
- Creates actionable reports based on critical vulnerabilities that threaten the organisation with immediate alerts and ‘one-click’ remediation.
- Continuous, silent vulnerability scanning on all IP-based devices on-premise or in the cloud.
- Automatically detects critical systems and finds how a hacker could reach and compromise them, without any human involvement.
- Cronus reports are certified by CREST for Penetration Testing.
- Enables GDPR Compliance by offering regular pen testing and vulnerability controls which minimises the risk of a breach to your personally identifiable data.
CyBot Pro is a patented autonomous machine-based penetration test which initially scans the networks, its assets, its vulnerabilities and then takes the next step to map out and validate all the routes a hacker could take to reach your key data, servers and business processes. The process follows the route a human PEN tester would follow, but it is a continuous scan of the network at a much larger scale and reach, whereas a human PEN tester will only carry out a test maybe every 6 months and will not scan the total network. This means Cybot ensures continuous compliance with regulations and simplifies annual tests for specific regulations as the need to ‘fix’ things in the network to pass inspection are not required as these have been done throughout the year.
Another benefit of continuous scans is the cost per year for network inspection is greatly reduced either by having an inspector onsite for less time, the need for revisits due to inspection failures or simply less internal resource taken to cover an inspection.
All data gathered can be condensed into full management reports which can be used to track compliance, demonstrate data security improvements and also schedule important tasks which are required to remove vulnerabilities.
Digital Pathways offers free trials of the system to enable you to compare what an existing solution is reporting versus what our Cybot finds. This will give you a direct comparison, good or bad! Please contact us to arrange this.
Click here to download a Cronus Brochure
Click here to download an Executive Summary with CREST report
Digital Pathways Ltd are a Cyber Essentials Certified Business
New House Studio
Wood Mead
CM16 6TD