While knowledge might be education’s most valuable asset, today most of the knowledge is stored electronically in either report form, articles, thesis, research documents and general reference services, often web-based for ease of access too by both teaching staff as well as students and pupils. Cybersecurity in the Education Sector is an important consideration for digital security for schools.
To make protecting this data even harder is the multitude of formats it is created in as well as the range of platforms it is stored on such as the latest high-end multi-core servers down to low budget PC’s acting as a server!

Securing Educational Data
Educational institutions now more than ever, face harsh compliance rules from GDPR where child data is concerned. Now more than ever educational institutions will need to look closely at what data is held on students, pupils, staff, parents and carers and if it needs to be kept; and if so, who or what has the rights to access it. Iain Bradley from the DfE explains how you can review and improve your handling of personal data for schools within GDPR.
Our experience demonstrates that linking encryption with access control enables our clients in this sector to control where data is stored, how it should be handled and allows tracking and marking so data can be easily classified and alerted on, should a user take inappropriate actions on data such as copying, reading or deleting it.
At Digital Pathways, we have a range of solutions that can provide you with controls to data without breaking any of your organisation’s processes or introducing complex technical procedures that may hamper your service delivery.
Encryption and Improving Data Security in Schools
Encryption is the most effective way to improve data security and our experience in this area is extensive. Also, most schools and colleges are using Microsoft 365 or Gmail for their email and these should be protected using strong Access Controls. Access control is a broad topic defined as the mechanisms that govern access to resources and the operations that may be performed on those resources and at Digital Pathways we have a range of solutions within this area.
One of our clients is the Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust, which is one of the largest primary school only Trusts in the UK. We have jointly produced a Case Study which outlines their GDPR compliance needs and how we are working with them as their Virtual Data Protection officer.
Click here for the Case Study
If you are looking for a solution provider to give you sound advice, call us to see how we may help.
Digital Pathways Ltd are a Cyber Essentials Certified Business
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Wood Mead
CM16 6TD