Law firms sit on a mass of sensitive client data, and with high-profile hacks, cyber attacks, and employee mistakes becoming a nearly daily occurrence, the need to improve the cybersecurity of law firm data is ever increasing as well as the need for overall cybersecurity for law firms.
As with most sectors, it is not if, but when will your law firm have a cybersecurity breach.

Securing Law Firm Data
A trend in the law sector is to outsource aspects of the non-core business and we find computing and networking one of these, especially with the popularity of cloud services. But this exposes the law firm to a third party not applying good security on the data or stopping the law firm even tracking where their data is going, for example with backups.
A key failure in most law firms is the use of passwords and their inevitable sharing, which leads to data being compromised. Couple this with weak access controls on the data to prevent it from being read by users means the surface area of attack is greatly increased. This makes hacking data easier, monitoring user behaviour harder and preventing data leakage sometimes near impossible.
Intercontinental Finance and Law magazine found that hackers view the legal sector, which tends to store and process critical and invaluable information, as a potential weak point
How We Can Help With Cyber Security For Law Firms
Our experience demonstrates that linking encryption with access control enables our clients in this sector to control where data is stored, how it should be handled and allows tracking and marking so data can be easily classified and alerted on; should a user take inappropriate actions on data such as copying, reading or deleting it.
Another challenge facing Law Firms is the new Lexcel Assessment will require Firms to be Cyber Essentials Plus certified, and is being brought in to force Law Firms to strengthen their cybersecurity position.
At Digital Pathways we have a range of solutions that can provide you with controls to data without breaking any of your organisation’s processes or introducing complex technical procedures that may hamper your service delivery. As a minimum to comply with the GDPR regulations you must have your data encrypted at all times. Digital Pathways has vast experience in this area and can supply a range of products as well as a managed encryption service.
If you are looking for a solution provider to give you sound advice call us to see how we may help.
Digital Pathways Ltd are a Cyber Essentials Certified Business
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Wood Mead
CM16 6TD