Cyber Security News 2018
Streamlining data discovery
Published on: Jun 13, 2018
Understanding what unstructured data exists in the enterprise is not easy. Massive volume of documents, spreadsheets, presentations and emails are typically scattered about an organisation.
With no real tools to manage it based on business value, it accumulates with no end in sight. The easy option is to buy more storage, but that doesn’t fix the problem. Continue, and you have hundreds of terabytes or petabytes of unstructured user content with no way to classify and manage the data according to its value. But by breaking it down into multiple iterative steps, starting high and working down to a level of detail to satisfy all stakeholders, order can be achieved.
Read the full article in Network Security Magazine here on page 20
How to keep a hacker out of your computer: The security of your data is vital – use our guide to stay safe
Published on: May 8, 2018
In the wake of the meltdown at TSB and the harvesting of personal information from Facebook, people are increasingly nervous about managing their finances online.
Here, The Mail on Sunday looks at how secure our data is and what we can do to protect ourselves from scams and fraudsters.
A shake-up of data protection rules is being introduced this month aimed at changing the way companies handle personal information given to them.
Under a new ‘general data protection regulation’, it should be easier to control how our details are shared. This includes financial facts – such as where we bank, our account numbers and sort codes.
To read the full article in the Mail on Sunday.
Finalists announced for the Information Age Data Leadership Awards 2018
Published on: May 2, 2018
Another proud day in the life of Digital Pathways. Our Managing Director, Colin Tankard has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Information Age Data Leadership awards 2018.
The Data Leaders Awards honour the people at the forefront of data – those transforming organisations and enhancing decision-making through its use, managing and controlling its proliferating growth, and driving new business value.
The awards, organised by Information Age, brings together hundreds of Britain’s top data leaders to honour the industry’s leading players across 12 categories. The shortlist was announced on the 1st May, ahead of the awards ceremony at London Hilton Bankside on 24 May.
To find out the full list of finalists, please click here
Cyber Security News 2017
Content filtering a potential challenge in digital single market
Published on: Dec 11, 2017
The proposed digital single market directive is intended to harmonise e-commerce and copyright throughout the European Union, but concerns have been raised over the technological impact this would have on UK industry
Cloud storage providers often use encryption to protect their users’ content, which could hinder content filtering. “Dropbox and other cloud storage providers talk about their content being encrypted as it is going into store,” says Colin Tankard, managing director of Digital Pathways. “So the ability to actually scan that content for any licence infringement becomes impossible.”
Read the full article on Content Filtering in the digital single market in Computer Weekly here
Global Security Magazine November 2017
Uber Disaster: Here We Go Again
57 million Uber customers and drivers has been leaked, with the company paying the hackers $100,000 to delete the data and keep quiet about it. Another ‘nail in the coffin’ to the data security strategies employed by business.
Full article available at Global Security Magazine
Network Security News November 2017
BYOE: New kid on the block
The biggest hole in any data security strategy is bring your own device, or is it?
Read our full article on BYOE: New kid on the block on page 20.
TES for Schools magazine October 2017
Are you scared of the dark?
What is the Dark Web and what goes on in it? Should teachers and education leaders be worried about students accessing it?
Read the full article at TES Online
Network Security News September 2017
Who are the attackers?
Are all nation-state hacks from the Russians and Chinese, or are other players now in the market given data is so valuable?
Read the full report at Network Security News
LegalEx Firm Security of The Year Award 2017
Published on: Mar 29, 2017
On 28th & 29th of March, Digital Pathways exhibited at the 2017 LegalEx exhibition at London’s ExCeL. An opportunity to introduce our products and solutions to the legal sector, to solicitors and forward thinking legal professionals looking to understand how technology can improve efficiency and enable them to develop and grow their firms. Cybersecurity is a crucial area within the legal sector; as it is in all businesses large and small. Before the event, Digital Pathways had been nominated and shortlisted as a finalist for the Firm Security Award along with DarkTrace, Hedgehog Security and Key Computers. This award recognises the organisation that has reached outstanding levels in enhancing the security and production of law firm data.
We are so pleased to announce that Digital Pathways was announced as the:-
Digital Security Solutions for SME’s
Published on: Mar 13, 2017
Often a hacker can remain on your system for months, gathering data, exploiting your network and gradually making their way up the chain.
The small to medium enterprise (SME) owner tends to think they have little or no data that is at all valuable and, as a result, issues of digital security are therefore not vital for them. Even some of the more ‘tech-savvy’ directors consider that the data they hold is inconsequential and worth very little to a potential hacker. And, as often there is no requirement under PCI rules for SME’s to have security, as they don’t hold a credit card or payment details on their network, this view is strengthened.
However, this attitude masks the real intention of the cyber-criminal, which is to enter the network of third parties, i.e. your clients, who may well be holding and storing valuable information. The cycle then continues, as network after the network is infiltrated, and potentially far more damaging breaches occur further on in the chain.
The most popular response to a potential hack is to revert to a backup. A good idea, if you can pinpoint the exact moment you were infiltrated.
Read the full article here
Protecting the Legal Sector
Published on: Feb 13, 2017
Digital Pathways, a company with over 20 years’ experience in the data protection and cyber security market, will be exhibiting at the 2017 LegalEx exhibition at Excel on the 28th & 29th March.
As part of our participation in the exhibition we will be holding seminars on Tuesday 28th March at 11 am & Wednesday 29th at 1 pm: Titled SUITS = Suits Using IT Securely?
We will be showing you how data is lost, systems compromised and the effects that this can have on your organisation; as well as practical tips and advice on protecting your assets. In addition to this, we will be providing you with valuable information regarding the new GDPR legislation and what you need to know, which will be coming into effect in May 2018.
For more information on LegalEx, please visit We will be available for advice on stand L440.
For any advice or to arrange a meeting at LegalEx, please call 0844 586 0040 or email [email protected]. Your Cyber Security Specialists.
Challenges of complying with the Investigatory Powers Act
Published on: Jan 27, 2017
Despite opposition by civil liberties groups and technology companies, the UK government has passed the controversial Investigatory Powers Act, adding a host of security and contingency requirements that UK businesses need to consider.
On 29 November 2016, the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 was given royal assent and enshrined in UK law. The act is designed to consolidate the various surveillance powers that were spread across different legislation and update them for the 21st century while replacing the previous three surveillance commissioners with a single oversight body
To read the full article, please click here
Computing Security magazine December 2017
Securing email is essential
Email is now such a vital communication and collaboration tool for both employees and consumers it should be protected by encryption.
Read the full article in Computing Security Magazine
Cyber Security News 2016
Harlow Firm Wins Top Communications Award
Published on: Nov 2, 2016
Digital Pathways wins Channel Product of the Year (software) at the prestigious Comms Business Awards for its nSuite software package. The award was presented to Jacqueline Wilkinson & Colin Rumsam by Sir Lenny Henry at the Lancaster London Hotel on the 16th June 2016.
Click here to read full article in Essex Life Magazine
Is employee negligence the biggest cyber threat to companies?
Published on: Jul 29, 2016
IBM has created a new app to analyse the behaviour of company employees. The app will determine whether or not a company’s systems have been compromised by cybercriminals – so-called ‘insider threats’. But while the term ‘insider threat’ may invoke the image of a malicious employee lurking in the shadows trying to steal company secrets, industry experts say the real threat to companies’ cybersecurity is simply worker negligence. Share Radio’s Robert Van Egghen spoke to Colin Tankard, Managing Director of data security providers Digital Pathways, who began by explaining whether employee negligence is really the cyber threat companies should be worrying about.
Listen to the full interview here on Insider Threat
Securing Small and Medium-Size Businesses
Published on: Jul 26, 2016
It seems that barely a week goes by without the revelation that yet another large, high-profile organisation has been breached, with millions of records being stolen. It would be easy to imagine that hackers are attracted only by big-name firms with huge databases just begging to be ransacked. But as Colin Tankard, MD of Digital Pathways, points out in this interview, organisations of all sizes are at risk.
Our full article is available on page 14, please click here
What will the General Data Protection Regulation mean to the UK post-Brexit?
Published on: Jul 11, 2016
Colin Tankard, managing director of data security company Digital Pathways, believes that following Brexit the UK may not adopt the regulation but rather modify its existing UK Data Protection Act.
Publication of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU regulation is expected sometime this month. Many of those for whom data plays a key part in their daily lives are wondering if the vote to leave will mean it will still be imposed on UK companies.
Colin Tankard, managing director of data security company Digital Pathways, says it is understood that once published, there would be a two-year period for every organisation that does business in, or with, the EU to comply with the regulation. And, since it is a regulation, not a directive, compliance would be mandatory, without the need for each member state to ratify it into its own legislation.
To read the full article, click here
Network Computing Awards 2016
Published on: Mar 30, 2016
On March the 17th the Digital Pathways team attended the Network Computing Awards at the Russell Hotel in London. We were honoured to have been shortlisted as finalists in two categories; nLiten Smart Building Reporting – New Product of the Year – Software & Services Category and One to Watch.
It was an extremely well-attended event with finalists and winners from a wide range of companies both large and small.
Unfortunately, Digital Pathways did not take home the award however we were voted runner up in the New Product of the Year – Software & Services Category, with Extreme Networks – Extreme Cloud Wireless 3.0, taking the award.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who voted for us for your support, it was hugely appreciated.
Protective Marking Helps Manage Data Loss Risks
Published on: Feb 3, 2016
Read our latest article in Counter Terror Business Magazine on how Protective Marking can help manage Data loss risks.
Organisations should apply protective marking, and protective marking principles, to lessen the chances of suffering an information breach.
Read the full article on Page 27 Counter Terror Business Magazine
Please click on the link for more information on Protective Marking or get in touch, either call our team on 0844 586 0040 or fill out the form on our contact page.
2016: Cyber Predictions
Published on: Jan 27, 2016
Colin Tankard, Managing Director of digital security company Digital Pathways, told Comms Business his predictions for 2016 when it comes to new or increased threats to look out for.
Read his list in the full article Comms Business 2016 Cyber Predictions
Cyber Security News 2015
Omlis Announces Partnership with Digital Pathways
Published on: Sep 14, 2015
Newcastle-based mobile payments technology provider Omlis have announced their partnership with Digital Pathways, a provider of data security and leakage prevention services in the UK.
A five-year partnership strategically focused on delivering Omlis’ mobile encryption architecture across key market sectors in the UK, Digital Pathways committed to a partnership with Omlis based on the increasing demand for enhanced endpoint focused security solutions.
Does the cloud offer an operational advantage to small businesses?
Published on: Feb 12, 2015
Business Matters Magazine
The cloud is everywhere, changing the way we live. Increasingly the television and movies we watch are delivered from cloud-based applications like Netflix, BBC iPlayer and Sky’s Now TV service. Many of us listen to music streamed from the cloud on our mobile.
Web-based services like Google Docs and Microsoft Office 365 deliver office applications that once resided on PCs, along with automatic backup and storage of documents. They also offer very useful sharing capabilities for collaborative working. For very small businesses, the low cost and simplicity on offer are highly attractive. Read the full article here
Cyber Security News 2014
Info Security Magazine publish our opinion on Tor
Published on: Dec 14, 2014
A journalist seeking to expose corruption or criminal activity uses Tor to protect their sources and to ensure they are not being monitored. The refugee or activist turns to the dark web to fight against oppression and tyranny, knowing they have a degree of protection from their oppressors.
But so does the drug dealer, the people trafficker, the paedophile, the money launderer and the terrorist seeking to hide their activities. And it seems there isn’t much we can do about it.
An encrypted and closed network like Tor has become a challenging conundrum. Set up with good intentions, it has become a haven for those criminals, hackers and terrorists.
Yet any talk of regulating Tor and the dark web undermines two of the founding principles of the World Wide Web: freedom and privacy. Granted those principles seem far removed from the highly commercial web that has evolved, but they still exist and they remain important.
Cyber Security News 2013
BYOD: An increasing security challenge
Published on: Nov 11, 2013
Business Matters magazine has published our article on this sensitive subject. To read the full article click here
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