Cybersecurity and data privacy is a risk for every organisation in all industries and market sectors. Digital Pathways has worked with businesses large and small to offer solutions to protect their digital assets.
It is our priority to establish an understanding of the individual security requirements for each of the sectors we support, whether manufacturing, finance, education, legal…… the needs of our customers come first and we strive to provide the right solutions and/or products that are fit for purpose. We can do this because we are an independent organisation choosing to work with only the best of breed products and partners.
Data Encryption
Digital Pathways has been the leader in the area of data encryption at rest where any form or type of data, whether it be in a database or flat file, can be transparently encrypted, with no loss of performance, but with additional benefits to the access of data by controlling who or what can touch the information, where data is moved to, if it contains sensitive information which is not already protected and, when required protectively, mark it for additional controls especially regarding emails.
All types of business should adopt an encryption strategy as a baseline technology, whether that be because the need is to protect intellectual property such as designs or drug trial results, personally identifiable data which needs controlling under GDPR or even to control internal users from viewing data they neither have the authority nor the need to see, such as HR records, sales orders, bid proposals or mergers and acquisition plans.
Security and The Cloud
A growing trend within many sectors of business is to move computing into the cloud, taking advantage of the cost and scale factors such services afford. However Digital Pathways can add extra assurance to such strategies by ensuring the data is protected and controlled by the information owner, i.e. the business, and not with the cloud service provider. Separation of duty should be at the forefront of any cloud strategy and not allow all ’the corporate eggs’ to be in the basket of the provider. Separating the data security from the data location is a core criterion for a strong, balanced cloud strategy and one which Digital Pathways has helped may organisations in various sectors achieve.
In addition to this, we have created a suite of ‘award-winning’ managed security services for all those businesses that do not have the internal resources or budgets available to offer enterprise-level security at a cost-effective monthly fee.
Please visit the nSuite services page here to find out more.
Digital Pathways Ltd are a Cyber Essentials Certified Business
New House Studio
Wood Mead
CM16 6TD