The Security Dangers of Home Networks

Most companies take reasonable steps to protect their networks from virus attacks, but one area of vulnerability that is often overlooked is an infection from employees’ home networks.

The risk of malware infection from employees’ home networks is real and should not be overlooked.

“It is something we are coming across more and more,” says Colin Tankard, CEO of Digital Pathways. “Devices are being exploited and [companies] find that something unusual is going on. It is only when they do a little bit more investigation that they realise somebody or something is monitoring what they are doing.”

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Cyber Fraud Numbers in Essex

As a business based in Harlow, it is a worrying statistic that, outside of central London, Essex has the highest amount of recorded cyber fraud of anywhere in the United Kingdom. In the past six months alone, there have been 6,679 fraud cases documented. Of that figure, 66% were related to business, and 25% (a quarter of the full figure) were to do with cyber-crime. We are not talking about small data breaches either. One company was the victim of a malware attack that cost them in the region of £80,000. The scariest part of all? That staggering sum was lost in just 10 minutes.

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Health Business Magazine – Understanding the Security Issues of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) was first envisaged in the last century. It is a vision whereby potentially billions of “things” such as smart devices and sensors are interconnected using machine-to-machine technology enabled by the Internet or other IP-based connectivity. Read more

The Rise of the Insider Threat

Many view the services of cyber security specialists as a way to protect against faceless, nameless hackers who are sending harmful attacks externally. By putting up walls around your network, and manning them on your behalf, these companies keep your organisation safe from attack, and breaches of confidential data. An issue that is becoming more and more prevalent in the security industry though is the insider attack. It has highlighted the fact that just because the wall is up, it doesn’t mean that you are safe from a data breach, either from an intentional act or an accidental one. Read more

BVCA Journal – Into the breach

The BVCA Journal is a quarterly publication that gathers insights from key individuals across the worlds of business, media and politics and puts them into an overarching theme relevant for all members of our industry.

In the cybersecurity section Colin Tankard talks about the ‘Hot Topic’ that is cybersecurity.

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Network Computing Awards

Digital Pathways are very proud to announce, that following nominations for the 2016 Network Computing Awards, we have been confirmed as finalists in the following categories:

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Cyber Security Predictions for 2016

For many in the cybersecurity spectrum, 2015 was considered ‘The Year of the Hack’. A record number of attacks, of all varieties and levels of viciousness, were undertaken last year, bringing digital security and online protection to the forefront of both people’s minds, and the media’s attention. Many companies will feel that they have now caught up again, and feel safe from potential hacks. This is though, in reality, a false security. Whilst businesses have been playing catch-up, criminals have been evolving their own methods, and will always be looking to find that advantage that keeps them one step ahead in the game. Read more

Harlow Professionals Lunch

Digital Pathways will be sponsoring the February Harlow Professionals Lunch at the Harlow Park Inn on Friday 26th.

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