The Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit 2016

The Gartner summits are some of the most renowned and highly valued conferences in the world. As a leading information technology research and advisory company, Gartner offer incredible insight into practically all areas of IT. The recent Security and Risk Management Summit 2016 was no exception, addressing the latest cybersecurity threats and introducing flexible new security architecture and governance strategies that can be implemented to combat them. Read more

The LinkedIn Scandal – How to Protect Against Social Media Hacks

In 2012, LinkedIn was infamously hacked and the password details of users released and shared across the darker reaches of the web. Old news you would think. Unfortunately, four years on in 2016, reports are again surfacing that this may not be the last we hear about this particular breach. Earlier this year, it came to the attention of security researchers that some 117 million examples of passwords and email addresses were being sold together on data sharing websites, leading to the estimation that 167 million LinkedIn users are likely to have suffered in some form.  Read more

Computing Security Awards

Digital Pathways are very proud to announce, that following nominations for the Computing Security Awards 2016, we have been confirmed as finalists in the following category:

Encryption Solution of the Year

(nCrypt – Managed Encryption Services)

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Why Do People Hack?

Hacking as a criminal act is on the rise. As our world becomes ever more interconnected, and the Internet of Things sees all devices open to networks and communication, the risks become more real. The opportunity to hack increases, too, as more and more of what we own has the ability to be exploited. We have become a generation and economy that thrives on information and data, turning it effectively into a currency. In the same way, that highwaymen would hold up coaches with a gun, and crooks would rob banks with the same, we now have criminals who can hide weaponless behind a keyboard, for more gain than ever before.  Read more

Is your building a hack risk?

The word smart is often applied to devices that are enhanced through Internet connectivity, with the best-known example currently being Smartphones that have transformed the way that we communicate. Such technology is also helping to make buildings smarter.

Smart buildings incorporate the use of building automation systems that provide automated, networked control over factors that include heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting. With all these systems interconnected, building performance can be optimised; creating much greater operational efficiency.

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Hacking for Good and Evil

At Digital Pathways we talk a lot about ‘hackers’, generally describing them as cyber-criminals whose sole intention is to cause damage to individuals and corporations. We often describe the nefarious means by which a hacker endeavours to force entry into your system and obtain valuable information or data. We paint them as malicious, creating chaos online for no other reason than their own personal gain, or the simple destruction of others. Equally, they are highly adept computer programmers, with an in-depth knowledge of the digital world and the ways in which it can be manipulated. Read more