Entries by webdn4

Machine ID Management and Digital Transformation: Building a Secure Future Webinar

Machines already outnumber the humans on your network, which means every machine needs a trusted identity. Consider IoT devices, mobile devices and software-defined workloads and applications – trusted identity for each and every machine is critical. As zero-trust and multi-cloud architecture become the norm, the role of machine identities in enterprise IAM (identity and access […]

How to stop Phishing Threats for Office 365 Webinar

Digital Pathways have been in the Cyber Security market for nearly 25 years and seen a continuous rise in data security breaches. Our suite of products and services enables our clients to monitor their security posture, balance business risk with cyber risk, and achieve a cost-effective way to keep their data safe. With over 91% of Cyberattacks starting with a phishing attack, getting your email defences right has never been more important.