Entries by digitalpathway

Is changing your password a good idea?

For years it has been common practice to regularly change the passwords you use for key logins. Users have been repeatedly encouraged to come up with unique variations in an attempt to help keep cyber criminals at bay and to safeguard against hacking. But, in what some people are finding a confusing turnaround, the UK […]

The Dangers of Voicemail Phishing

Picking up the phone is a hazardous business these days. Whether it is a call regarding PPI for an account that never existed, or an imaginary problem with your PC that desperately requires attention, there are a lot of reasons to ignore what comes down the line. One place you can consider yourself safe though […]

Take Action Now

Publication of the long awaiting General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU regulation is expected around July 2016 so now is the time to take action according to Colin Tankard, Managing Director of data security company Comms Business Awards Finalist Digital Pathways.

Data Protection Regulations Loom

Publication of the long awaited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU Regulation is expected around July 2016 so now is the time to take action according to Colin Tankard, Managing Director of data security company Digital Pathways.  

Hacking Buildings – Is your building at risk of being hacked?

When you stop to think about the businesses who have been hacked in recent years, there have been some quite big names under the spotlight. Organisations such as Sony and Ashley Madison are good examples of recent scandals. These companies, although working on digital platforms, were subject to some quite serious breaches that have severely […]

ObserveIT – Insider Threat Detection and Prevention Software

The Insider Threat is a growing concern among businesses. The idea that an attack, be it vicious or unintentional, can come from an internal source is frightening. Organisations put a lot of trust in their employees, and quite rightly too, but when it comes to digital security it pays to be slightly more vigilant. Many […]

Fund boards hone in on cyber security

Irish fund boards are putting plans in place to ensure they can deal with both internal and external cyber security breaches. Following the publication of the best industry practices last year, boards have taken several measures to make sure they can manage and mitigate the risk of cyber attacks. In September 2015 the Central Bank […]

Finalists in the Comms Business Awards 2016

Digital Pathways are very proud to announce, that we have been shortlisted as finalists in the Comms Business Awards 2016 : Channel Product of the Year – Software (nSuite, nCrypt, nSEIM) This is yet another great accolade for the Digital Pathways team.

How to Deal with Ransomware

A digital security risk that appears to be becoming more prominent in the mainstream media is ransomware. Stories are beginning to surface more and more frequently, both highlighting the sheer volume of attacks and also focussing on the more targeted examples of hospitals and schools who have been left helpless. As the name suggests, Ransomware […]

The Rise of Targeted Phishing

The issue of phishing is widespread. As a process, this form of cybercrime attempts to acquire private information from an individual via email correspondence. The criminal who sends the email pretends to be from a reputable source and asks for a username, password or even credit card details to be shared. The sender will seem […]