Entries by digitalpathway

Why is patching a problem for so many organisations?

Unpatched Software The root cause of most digital security breaches is unpatched software with known vulnerabilities. A vulnerability is like a back door in which hackers and cyber-criminals can access your systems. Once inside, your data is in their hands. The WannaCry ransomware attack is a recent example of a known vulnerability being exploited to […]

And the winner is….

Yes, Digital Pathways have done it again. Data security company, Digital Pathways, have been named as the winners of the prestigious ‘New Product of the Year’ category of the Computing Security Awards, 2017. New Product of the Year 2017 Proving yet again; the fable of David & Goliath. A small company with great ambition and […]

Encryption: What Does It Mean to BYOE?

The cloud has opened up incredible opportunities and efficiencies for businesses. However, with these opportunities, there is also an increase in security risks. How can you be sure your data is safe in the cloud? Traditional ways of protecting data, such as passwords, firewalls, and other defensive strategies are no longer enough. For greater protection, […]

What are the benefits of Managed Security Services for your organisation?

Managed cloud services remove the need for organisations to perform many specialist functions in-house, providing access to essential digital services in a way that is cost-effective and convenient. The downside is these services can leave a company’s data vulnerable to theft, tampering, or even seizure by government authorities and law enforcement agencies. As a data […]

Third-Parties. What are the risks to your Data?

Over 600GB of unsecured customer data was discovered on an Amazon cloud database last month. The records belonged to approximately 4 million US Time Warner Cable (TWC) customers. The data, which had been set to allow public access, rather than limit access to administrators or authorised users, was discovered accidentally by a digital security company […]

Caught in a Trap? Beware Auto-Renewing Contracts

Beware of auto-renewing contracts. In the UK there are laws to protect consumers from unfair contract terms. However, commercial parties have less protection and are generally free to bind themselves to whatever terms without fear of court intervention. As businesses outsource an increasing number of activities, it is important to fully understand what you are […]

GDPR: A Cloud with a Silver Lining

Are there four letters presently capable of generating greater fear and anxiety for organisations around the world than GDPR? The majority of conversations surrounding its imminent arrival strike a tone similar to the way citizens were prepared for nuclear Armageddon during the Cold War. With so much attention focused on potential doomsday scenarios, are we […]

The Usual Suspects? Nation State Cyber Attacks

Nation state sponsored cyber-attacks are growing in frequency, reach, and sophistication. Within the previous year alone, a successful attack targeted the World Anti-Doping Agency, releasing the medical records of Olympic athletes from around the world. State sponsored hacking is also assumed to have played a role in the outcome of the US 2016 election, leading […]

Securing Email is Essential

Why mail by electronic must never let down its guard. Ensuring emails are secure is a concern to anyone dealing with confidential information – which of course, includes both the law and finance sectors. However, today, more than ever, it is important, rather critical, to be aware of the dangers of using the usual email […]

Data Protection and Outsourcing

Outsourcing tasks and responsibilities are commonplace for many businesses today. Everything from administration and HR, to bookkeeping and IT, can be outsourced to a third party, allowing you to focus fully on the core competencies of your business. While this usually brings about benefits in terms of efficiency and cost, it can also cause serious […]