Press Room

Smart Buildings Need Joined-Up Security

Today, much discussion in the technology world revolves around the Internet of Things (IoT), where billions of things will be interconnected over IP networks. Gartner estimates that, as of 2015, smart homes and commercial buildings made up 45% of the IoT.

Smart Buildings are often run using building automation systems that are used to centrally control areas such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting and lifts.

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Blackmail for a digital age

Ransomware is a particularly malicious form of malware that gains access to a user’s system and then proceeds to prevent them from accessing their own data. In some cases, the files on the system are encrypted so as to be irretrievable without the key and, in others, access is simply denied to the device’s owner. In both situations the hacker will demand a ransom is paid to un-encrypt the files or have access given back to the user. You could say it is traditional blackmail revolutionised for a digital age. Read more

The Interconnected World

Wherever you have technology that is able to connect to a network, there is the very real risk of cyber-crime.

The emergence of the IoT and the dawning of the Interconnected Home, is set to revolutionise the way we live our lives.

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Is your building a hack risk?

The word smart is often applied to devices that are enhanced through Internet connectivity, with the best-known example currently being Smartphones that have transformed the way that we communicate. Such technology is also helping to make buildings smarter.

Smart buildings incorporate the use of building automation systems that provide automated, networked control over factors that include heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting. With all these systems interconnected, building performance can be optimised; creating much greater operational efficiency.

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Securing Small and Medium-Size Businesses

It seems that barely a week goes by without the revelation that yet another large, high-profile organisation has been breached, with millions of records being stolen. It would be easy to imagine that hackers are attracted only by big-name firms with huge databases just begging to be ransacked. But as Colin Tankard, MD of Digital Pathways, points out in this interview, organisations of all sizes are at risk.

Our full article is available on page 14, please click here

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What the GDPR means for businesses

The long-awaited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU was provisionally agreed in December 2015. The final details are still being ironed out, but publication of the final version of the regulation is expected around July 2016.2 There will then be a two-year waiting period until every organisation that does business in, or with, the EU must comply with the regulation. Since it is a regulation, not a directive, compliance is mandatory, without the need for each member state to ratify it into its own legislation.

Our full article is available on page 5, please click here

Take Action Now

Publication of the long awaiting General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU regulation is expected around July 2016 so now is the time to take action according to Colin Tankard, Managing Director of data security company Comms Business Awards Finalist Digital Pathways.

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Data Protection Regulations Loom

Publication of the long awaited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU Regulation is expected around July 2016 so now is the time to take action according to Colin Tankard, Managing Director of data security company Digital Pathways.


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Fund boards hone in on cyber security

Irish fund boards are putting plans in place to ensure they can deal with both internal and external cyber security breaches.

Following the publication of the best industry practices last year, boards have taken several measures to make sure they can manage and mitigate the risk of cyber attacks.

In September 2015 the Central Bank of Ireland sent a letter to the fund industry, issuing guidance on cyber security policies and governance.

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Insider Threat Mitigated with Partnering of Digital Pathways & ObserveIT

London:  March 2016, data security specialist, Digital Pathways, has teamed up with ObserveIT, providers of insider threat management solutions.

The Insider Threat issue has become one of the major concerns surrounding data protection today.  According to Verizon DBIR 69% of reported security incidents involved an insider with detection with such an attack taking some 32 months to unearth. Read more