Entries by digitalpathway

Comms Business Awards

Official Comms Business Awards video 2015, where Digital Pathways were proud sponsors of Channel Sales Person of the Year, winner Kyla Stack with a very entertaining David Walliams as the evenings host.

The Cost of Security for UK Business

Computer Weekly The draft Investigatory Powers Bill to increase surveillance is already controversial, but there are growing concerns over the potential economic consequences. First announced during The Queens Speech in 2012, the Draft Communication Data Bill, as it was known then, was met with widespread criticism, before it was ultimately dropped during the coalition government […]

Authentication Systems – The End of Passwords?

There are many ways in which the internet has made our lives simpler and expanded our horizons. It allows us to connect easily with people from across the globe, organise our banking transactions wherever in the world we are and buy whatever we need whenever we need it with just the touch of a button.

Secure Voice Communications Placement

CommsBusiness Businesses are aware of the importance of securing data held on corporate networks and beyond. But too often they overlook the importance of securing their communications and voice networks says Colin Tankard, MD of Digital Pathways. The convenience and reduced cost of making calls over the internet appeals to businesses large and small. Voice […]

Internet of Things issues

Professional Security Magazine – In the Internet of Things (IoT), potentially billions of devices will be connected using machine-to-machine technology enabled by the internet, writes Colin Tankard, Managing Director, Digital Pathways. This will encompass a wide variety and volume of interconnected ‘things’, including smart buildings and cities, physical security controls, cars, planes, medical equipment and […]

Cyber Crime – How to deal with the Threat

The digital world is an enigma to many, a mysterious space that is dominated by innovative organisations and unscrupulous cybercriminals. Each side is in a constant struggle between performing cybercrime and preventing its damage, a battle played out across a global stage and one that is worth huge sums to both those who benefit and those who suffer.

Strong Encryption Software – Defending Free Speech or Enabling Crime?

The United Nations is putting pressure on governments looking to relax encryption security by citing the basic human right that people have to anonymity. In a recently published report the UN have defended the use of strong encryption as a way of protecting freedom of speech in the digital age. From journalists and protestors, to […]

Draft Communication Bill Announcements – What Do They Mean?

On Wednesday the 27th of May the Queen’s Speech officially welcomed the Conservative party into power and outlined to the Houses of Parliament, as well as the UK as a whole, exactly what her government intends to do over the next term. For the first time in its history, the Queen’s Speech referred to ‘cyber-security’ […]

The Security Issues that Face Local Authorities and Councils

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) is an independent UK authority that oversees information rights in the public domain. They encourage public bodies to be more open and promote data privacy for individuals. For the organisations who are regulated by the ICO this means obligations that they must comply with. For the public it means access […]