Securing Email is Essential
Why mail by electronic must never let down its guard.
Ensuring emails are secure is a concern to anyone dealing with confidential information – which of course, includes both the law and finance sectors. However, today, more than ever, it is important, rather critical, to be aware of the dangers of using the usual email systems and ways email communications can be secured with the use of an encrypted system. We dwell on how this system works, the financing of it and, indeed, its benefits.
Email is an essential communication and collaboration tool for both employees and consumers. According to the Radicati Group, there are currently more than 3.7 billion people using email on a worldwide basis, which it estimates will grow to more than 4.1 billion by the end of 2021. Part of this growth is anticipated to come from the migration of premise-based mailboxes to those based in the cloud. Read more